The armband system is responsible for receiving user input and displaying it back to the user via an LCD screen. The system is composed of buttons, LEDs, and an LCD. The LEDs display the state of the system to the user and are implemented via Charlieplexing in order to reduce the number of GPIO pins used. The modes of the system are determined by buttons because that is the easiest method for the user. The LCD will display battery life information back to the user in the form of a 10-segment battery life bar and a percentage.
The knee and ankle motors are controlled via a toggle lever that the user holds. When the user holds the lever down, it moves the motor chosen, and when released, it stops.
As of 12/03/14, we’ve gotten the following done:
- Original circuit made on breadboard
- Circuit soldered onto vectorboard
As of 12/03/14, we need to complete the following for our end-of-semester demo:
- User input (in form of toggle lever handle)
- Complete LCD coding and implementation